I lieu of a current video, I'm putting up a short film I did at San Francisco City College in the Film Lighting class, "Cat Nap." It was shot with their silent 16 mm film camera, the music composed by a friend.
A local professional video house, Monoca Labs (http://www.monacosf.com/), transferred the 16 mm film to 3/4" video when I first did the film in the mid '80's. Recently I transfered at Monaco that 3/4" version to mini-dv.
Interesting effects. Thanks for sharing that.
By Markus Sandy, at 3:23 AM
Nice work Enric. Hey just curious, how did you digitize it?
By Jack, at 10:08 AM
Thank you for viewing my site, Jack.
A local professional video house, Monoca Labs (http://www.monacosf.com/), transferred the 16 mm film to 3/4" video when I first did the film in the mid '80's. Recently I transfered at Monaco that 3/4" version to mini-dv.
By Enric, at 10:55 AM
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